The VIII th International contest of youth projects in the field of medical rehabilitation
Feb 15,2025 — Jun 09,2025
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the VIII International Contest of Youth Projects “REHABILITATION+” in the Field of Medical Rehabilitation. The contest is organized on the initiative of the Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia. The co-organizers of the Contest are Ulyanovsk State University, the Russian-Chinese Association of Medical Universities, the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. The main goal of the Contest is to search and promote the most promising scientific, socially-oriented and technical developments in the field of medical rehabilitation for military trauma, oncology, cardiology, pathology of the central and peripheral nervous system, lesions of the musculoskeletal system, after a coronavirus infection.
Schoolchildren, students, residents, graduate students, and young scientists of medical and non-medical educational institutions of higher and secondary education are invited to participate in the Contest. Participants must be no older than 35 years of age and who have submitted projects within the following areas of the contest:
• Diagnostic methods and innovative pharmaceuticals in rehabilitation: diagnostic equipment for measuring activity disorders according to the ICF, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, molecular biological methods, new molecules and pharmaceutical compositions, genetically engineered drugs, biosimilars, nanomedicine technologies;
• Medical products for rehabilitation: medical complexes and equipment, systems for mechanical improvement of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and other systems and organs.
• Technical means for rehabilitation: prosthetic organs and limbs; additive technologies in the creation of accessories and aids for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities; means, products and technologies that improve adaptation to a prosthesis and functioning in a prosthesis; products and devices that provide a barrier-free living environment for people with disabilities.
• The best solution for creating a prosthetic socket using 3D scanning and printing technologies.
• Assistive technologies in rehabilitation: design of a rehabilitation environment in medical institutions and at home, design of an inclusive space in institutions, design of functional and aesthetic clothing and orthopedic shoes, models of inclusive education, alternative communication technologies for adults and children, eye tracking, effective models of medical and social regional interaction in rehabilitation, the scope of services for the use of assistive technologies for people with disabilities.
• Physical rehabilitation: kinesiotherapy technologies, proprioceptive neuromuscular guidance programs for various pathologies, methods of physiotherapy, reflexology and mechanotherapy, VR, AR, MR and any other types of realities in rehabilitation.
• Occupational therapy: development of adaptive games, creation of a virtual communication model at home and outside the home, development of adaptive rooms to restore patient activity, creation of functional simulators for active movement of patients and their adaptation.
• Clinical psychology: development of models of psychological interaction between doctor and patient, various options for compliance therapy, cognitive-behavioral protocols for coping with illness; creation of trainings using IT technologies to include patients quickly in a treatment and rehabilitation environment, restore memory and attention in various diseases; development of protocols for treating anxiety and depression based on biofeedback methods, creation of adapted books with musical accompaniment; development of new methods for neuropsychological diagnostics and treatment of disorders of higher mental functions of various origins; IT technologies for restoring memory and attention in various diseases.
• Medical speech therapy: development of a set of various methods, methods, practices, techniques and exercises aimed at eliminating or smoothing speech defects and developing speech function; computer technologies in the corrective work of speech therapists.
• Other non-medical rehabilitation technologies: promising models of psychological influence and psychological and pedagogical support of the rehabilitation process, social programs, the use of natural factors and SCR in rehabilitation, anti-age technologies, resourcesaving technologies.
• Organization of a multidisciplinary approach: medical management, technologies for assessing the quality of work of MDRCs, educational programs for training MDRCs, practice and technology for creating a rehabilitation center from scratch, telemedicine, management technologies for MDRCs.
• Digital rehabilitation: wearable electronics, devices for monitoring functional health indicators, IT solutions, medical information systems for interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction, neuro-control.
Stage I of the Contest:
02/15/2025–04/17/2025—sending applications to the expert commission by filling out the form on the website 04/18–04/26/2025—review of applications, determination of participants for stage II of the Contest.
Stage II of the Contest in online format:
05/21/2025 – presentation of reports by participants of stage II, determination of winners.
The final session to sum up the results of the Contest will be held on 06/09/2025 in the framework of the XVI International Congress “Neurorehabilitation 2025”, in Moscow.
Based on the results of the Contest, a collection of scientific papers will be published and placed in the RSCI system. Conditions of participation, requirements for projects, evaluation criteria and other useful information can be found in the Regulations on the Contest.
Additional information on participation in the Contest can be obtained by email: The winners will be awarded with diplomas and memorable prizes. Certificates will be given to all participants of the Contest.